Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Sampajanna (clear comprehension)–Sati’s (sometimes) Forgotten Friend A number of prominent teachers have noted that an important dimension of Buddhist mindfulness practice has often been “forgotten” in the contemporary “Mindfulness Movement” in the West. In the well-known Satipatthana Sutta (Discourse on Mindfulness), the Buddha repeatedly encourages practitioners to contemplate the body, feelings, mind, and dhammas “with diligence, clear comprehension, and mindfulness.” So what is this “clear comprehension” (sampajanna) that is paired with “mindfulness” (sati) repeatedly throughout the Pali canon, but too often forgotten in the transmission of mindfulness practice to the West? Jay Ford will explore this question and its important implications for those seeking a clear understanding of mindfulness practice in its original Buddhist context. |
Schedule 6:30-6:35: Announcements 6:35-7:05: Sitting Meditation 7:05-8:00: Dharma Talk (Jay Ford) 800-8:45: Third Tuesday Tea Social Gathering–All are welcomed |
Upcoming Schedule
February 25: New Series on the Four Noble Truths–The 1st Noble Truth, The Truth of Dukkha (Jay Ford)
March 4: The 2nd Noble Truth, The Truth of the Arising of Dukkha (Ann McCarty)
March 11: The 3rd Noble Truth–The Truth of the Cessation of Dukkha (Tess Wise)
March 18: The 4th Noble Truth–The Path to Cessation (Bo Fried)
March 25: The Four Noble Truths–Tying up Loose Ends